Software engineer / Solution Architect


Certified: AWS solution architect / Kubernetes application developer.

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  • Built with Symfony 5
  • Complex online price estimator built with REACT & API PLATFORM
  • Bootstrap 5, Twig templating - custromer care

  • Microservise architecture running on OpenShift
  • API development in PHP/SLIM
  • Webcomponent based frontend written in JS/POLYMER
  • Integration of JWT based Authorization - arch. studio

  • Typo3 powered website
  • Development in Typo3
  • SEO optimization - blog

  • HEADLESS CMS based on API Platform
  • Development in Symfony
  • REACT ADMIN customization - contact form

  • Complex forms generated according to API
  • Frontend part done in REACT
  • Rest API conencted to SOAP web services - typo3 upgrade

  • Upgrade of old version of TYPO3 to latest LTS
  • Upgrade of extensions, rewrite to EXTBASE and FLUID
  • New extension development, connected to SOAP web services

Lappgroup marketing portal

  • Custom modification of Ibrams/Magento solution to meet client requirements
  • Connection of e-shop with client internal SAP system over extension SapRFC

Baumgartner workshop tools e-shop

  • Integration of magento comemrce
  • Custom search functionality for wheel catalog part
  • Update scripts for regular import from SAP

Raiffeisen Centrobank stocks portal

  • Integration/customization of Typo3 CMS
  • Integration of plugin for showing stock infos
  • Stock plugins creation based on REST API

Livonec e-learing solution

  • As frontend is used solution based on Symfony 2 framework that handle all user logic
  • serving e-learning pages that are loaded over API from Typo3 CMS
  • As backend is used TYPO3 CMS where user manage all regarding content of e-learning

Prescription Glasses e-shop

  • E-shop based on Magento commerce solution
  • Customization of system to achieve prescription logic
  • so user can easy insert data from their prescription receipt

Mostlymaps - old maps e-shop

  • E-shop based on Magento commerce solution
  • Customization of system to achieve prescription logic, so user can easy insert data from their prescription receipt - news portal

  • Integration/customization of Typo3 CMS for one of biggest slovak news paper portal, custom markitup editor integration into Typo3
  • mass import of data from old system to new system
  • high traffic optimization

Car battery e-shop

  • Integration and customization of Magento commerce solutioin
  • cusotm search modifications for battery search tool based on car/type/engine info

Car social media/events portal

  • Social/media/event portal for car funs, built with Symfony framework
  • highest traffic achieved was 40 000 unique visitors per month

Lubalove - social media portal with online video capability

  • social media portal with online video capability,
  • built with Symfony framework

Megastar - news portal

  • UK news portal
  • based on TYPO3 CMS, high traffic optimization with reverse proxy

My Kanban

  • built with REACT
  • serverless architecture - FIREBASE